The Shire will be on campus at Salisbury University’s Joust on Saturday April 18. Stop by and say hi!!
Attend The Sequel: Revenge of the Stitch! Join us for The Sequel: Revenge of the Stitch from April 24-26! More information is available on the Acorn Event Page and our Facebook Group Page.
Registration is now open for Pennsic 44. If you plan to attend, and want to camp with the Shire of Spiaggia Levantina’s Pennsic War camp, please notify Grace Ann, so she can put you on the camp Facebook page. All Shire members are welcome. Here’s the link for registration:
For once, University is reasonably close – the Barony of Dun Carraig (Lexington Park MD) on February 7. The course list is not available yet but keep an eye out for it. You can pre-register on-line! Also, Storvik (College Park, MD) is hosting a bardic and dancing event January 24th. Look for a Sewing/A&S Day…
The Shire will have a booth at Holiday Faire in Stierbach on November 22. We will have our yarn for sale, some excess items from the storage unit, and any donations of SCA-yard sale items that folks care to donate.
The shire will be demonstrating many skills at Furnace Town’s Celtic Fest October 4 and 5! More information at
Fun weekend activities ahead! Attend Battle on the Bay this weekend, or head out to Salisbury University for FREE professional jousting starting around 1:30 on Saturday!
Thank you! Thank you to everyone who helped make Garb Wars II: The Sequel a success! It was a wonderful event with excellent people. An amazing weekend for sure. Thanks to everyone who worked, attended, planned, mentored, judged, ate, drank, was merry, including those who were only with us in their thoughts…without everyone’s contributions the event would…
Come out for Garb Wars II: The Sequel this weekend! Join us for Garb Wars II: The Sequel this weekend (May 30-June 01)! The weather should be nice – and we have lots of activities planned: archery, combat, a mead competition, bardic…and of course the main event competition… More information is available on the Acorn Event Page and our Facebook…
Join us for Garb Wars II: The Sequel from May 30-June 01 — Spiaggia is the host of this exciting event! A long time ago, in a barony far, far away… It was a period of war—garb wars. Teams competed, striking with hidden talents to win a victory with both needle and sword. During the battles,…